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PIR 9/23 Trackday Report (pics)
Old 09-25-2005, 12:00 PM   #1
Short Shifter
Bster13 is offline
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Default PIR 9/23 Trackday Report (pics)

I might as well add my two cents in here.

Spent the night at Rick's house, just 15 minutes from the track. SCORE! I dig it Rick, good call. :p Stayed with Jimmy, Dan, Any, my GF Carol and Rick of course. I was up @ 6am and to the track to help TPM setup their trailer and the air fences. (I would also take the air fences down at the end of the day) Marc arrived shortly after to do the same. Setting them up wasn't so bad, but as I suspected taking them down at the end of the day while tired and wanting to go home was worse. But not all that bad when u are ~still~ talking motorcycles with the guys who are helping u out. And the satisfaction that those fences saved actual lives a couple of times that day is worth it. Team promotion is the only NE trackday org. that has them. Take note!

Suited up and headed out for my first time ever in the Red (Intermediate) group. (first time for Jimmy too. Rick had been there b4) I grid up and look left and right with riders who have scuffed kneepads just like me and look the business...we'll see what I got myself into here in a minute. Good thing I had my usual sidekicks, Rick on his 99-00' GSXR-750 and Jimmy on his YZF600r. First session out we took it easy...you have so much adrenaline built up it's best to let that stuff settle down and just re-familiarize yourself with the bike (it's track only) and the track. Well this particular day there were only two guys in the advanced Blue group so they moved them down to Red with us. Holy crap were they fast....but then again one of them went off the track (no crash) twice in that first session. note to self "Don't be that guy!" Started to warm up to things, but something wasn't right. I didn't eat dinner the night b4 and had 1/2 a pop-tart for breakfast and didn't hydrate myself either. So by the end of the second session I was dead. Stupid, Stupid me. So I went into feeding/hydration mode the rest of the day and with a red bull from Marc/Pete during lunch I felt much better.

At this point Pete (Yamaha R6) was moved to Red. He asked me to follow him to evaluate him for some stupid reason. We're pretty much equals out there so there ain't much I can say, he's flying. B4 the stat of the session there was one of the many crashes for the day and I had my helmet off. Well they cleared the crash quicker than I thought and I wasn't ready so the marshal let Pete out ahead of me, but then I was late so he went to the next line of 5 riders.....10 seconds later I got out and was pissed at myself. I spent the entire session only to catch Pete on the last lap. Holy crap that pushed me hard. Pete was moving.

I started talking to an instructor who rides an SV as well. I figure he knows the fast way around the track. Boy does he ever! He states he trail brakes til the apex of the corner and then smoothly transitions on the gas there. I tried doing it but ran off the course three times. once off the back straight, and twice entering the double apex. man that screwed with my head. Next session out I went back to what works...get most of my braking doen b4 I turn, then flick and carry corner speed cracking on the throttle a little bit b4 I turn in. Works for me, but I'm open to trying new things in the future. Just no heavy trail braking (cept for the back straight) for me yet.

I can't remember the rest of the day, it was all one incredibly FAST blur haha, but I do know that one of the next sessions Pete asked me to lead him. This was the turning point of the day for him and where pete figured out all of Bryce's 'secrets.' :o :p He was able to figure out how early I get on the throttle going through turns (Damn that nice <loud> hindle full exhaust I installed! :p) and started to emulate me. Then the bastard passed me, then I passed him back and so on and so on, one big blur like I said.

One of the other sessions it was my buddy Rick, Pete, and I trading positions all through the session, that was incredible. If u think seeing racing on the TV is fun, or seeing it even as a spectator at the track, then try following two of your best buds doing it on front of u! Front row seats! haha. We were slicing and dicing through the field gaining and losing each other as we made our way through traffic.

Towards the end of the day Rick toasted his Rear Diablo Corsa putting all that power from the GSXR-750 to the ground so he took it easy. I can't imagine going as fast as we do and modulating that kind of power, he does a great job with it. It was very interesting studying Pete and Rick and where they gained and lost on each other and where I picked up and lost them. The speed those two come down from on the brakes off the back straight is mind boggling.

The very last session was my fastest by FAR. Rick would of been there if it weren't for his toasted tire, that sucka was bald! :p So Pete and I headed out. Except this time, Kevin S., a guess instructor who I had been asking questions to online for the past couple of weeks, took off from work early and met me at the track. A very, very nice guy and I was looking forward to him critiquing me and practicing the things we talked about. The deal was he was to follow me, see where I could improve, then pull ahead and show me the lines. He meant to take his own GSXR600 out, but not enough time so he took another instructor's bike out. A Kawi 600. I mentioned that my buddy Pete would be ahead of us and if he saw anything in his riding, let him know as well. He said "U mean the guy u've been dicing it up with the last couple of sessions flying around? haha" I said 'yep.' Off we went...Pete led....It took half the session and finally passed Pete (I can't remember, where was it Pete?) , then I led a couple more laps and Pete Got me on the back straight working hard, and they I tried to return the favor, but we ran out of time and the second I saw the checkered flag coming into the bus stop I sat up, clutched in....I was spent haha. High fives all around, it was amazing.

I asked the Kevin, the instructor, how we did. He said he couldn't catch us. What? Did I hear that right? :p Yep, he couldn't catch us. he said in his head he kept saying that he would make up time here, or there, but it never happened. As much as I'd like to think Pete and I were faster then him, that's not the case by a long shot. He was on an under sprung bike, totally new to him. Never ridden it b4. I don't blame him for backing off when riding someone else's bike aggressively, no sense in that. I'm psyched to have Kevin's attention on the 9th. He'll have his own bike and be showing me the way. Personal attention, can't beat it.

Some other notables:

-It was also Jimmy's first day in red group. Thank to Rick's help and Jimmy's growing confidence on the YZF, he picked up the pace a lot through the day. B4 I was able to go around him on the double apex and just swing wide carrying speed, but now I can't do it. Jimmy is swinging wide and using the entire real estate to accelerate just the same. I think he also started carrying a lot more corner speed into turns and not using those superb YZF binders as much on corner entry.

-Dan on his VFR800 and Marc on his EX500 were terrorizing the white group throughout the day and it was fun rooting for two buds while observing from afar. Dan now is using the entire Metz. Z-6 rear tire and they get quite sticky I must say. I really hope he finds a track bike to his liking over the winter, then the flood gates will let loose. :p Marc got his knee down for the first time Friday. And man what a mood change that guy had haha. He was down on himself earlier in the day, but sucked it up and started grinding away as he passed more powerful bikes as the day went on. Well done!

-I got to see one of the Ryan brothers, Pat, in action. Watching him stalk two riders ahead of us for quite some time lining up a pass. Fun FUn! Mike was always out of sight somewhere else on the track. Team green is alive and well and those bastards are at Beaver Run the rest of the wknd. I'm jealous!

-I had my first late braking competiton with another SV. We were well matched on HP and my front wheel was at his back wheel down the entire back straight. Now comes the first braking marker, the second..."Umm dude when u going to brake?" Finally he hits the binkers and I consciously hit them a split second later and whoosh i go by and chuck it into the turn on the brakes, incredible. I thought we were both going to go sailing on to the NASCAR straight! :o

-I really enjoyed the people I was at the track with. The instructors, my buddies and everyone in general. Except for the turd with the Big Silver 'S' on his back in Red group passing me inside on the back straight, then I repassed him legitimately out of the bus stop, then he passed me inside in the kink again..>F-that. Go get him Greg the Field Marshall! I pulled in to pit out, and told him about the passes, showed my EXTREME displeasure that it happened twice...so the guy meant to do it, not that he just got in hot once. Greg and I even witnessed him taking an inside line on my buddy Rick going into turn one. I said "See, See, he's doing it again!" Not sure what Greg said to the guy, I assume he ripped him a new one, and I really appreciate it. He kept us safe out there and I never saw that guy with the Silver 'S' out there with us again. Bravo!

-I hope Marc and Pete join SportbikesofNYC as I think they'll be "one of the guys" in quick order. We'll all become fast friends. We're all from the same fabric. I have a blast when hanging out with everyone that was there Friday.

-My SV has 65.2hp stock. I bet I have a little bit more than that now but south of 70hp. The SV is a wonderful handling bike and forces u to be 'on' in every corner in the infield to make sure u gain time u lost in the straight. For some reason I can carry more corner speed on that bike than most others in my group. Perhaps with less HP I am not worried about spinning up the rear in corners so I feel comfy carrying more speed. (though i did spin three times Friday. First time ever, but It wasn't that bad I guess.) This is where I make up the time I lost in the back straight....if possible. haha. I am convinced by seeing Marc on his EX500 progress so fast (The dude dragged his knee his first full trackday and I'm sure he's coming for me hehe.) and my progress on the SV that small displacement is the way to go. I feel I've learned so much quicker and I don't have the HP to mask my deficiencies in the corners...forces me to work on them. (I still suck big time on right handers. Definitely next year I'm going to a right-handed track for practice. Pocono's all Lefties.) I wholeheartedly recommend a smaller displacement bike to anyone looking to get into track days.

I had a blast guys. I'll add more pics later, but here is what I have thus far:


Thanks for reading this saga. :p


P.S. Oh big props to Rick, Jimmy, marc, Dan, Pete, for ALL of them crowding around my bike and trying to find the oil leak. i really appreciate them big time, seeing everyone give a crap was wonderful. I really appreciate it.

Last edited by Bster13; 09-25-2005 at 01:02 PM..
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Old 09-27-2005, 07:32 PM   #2
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good times for sure! though I did seem to run into some unfortunate circumstance. Big oopsie at turn 5! I only got to see you once in the morning, brice, and you looked really good out there, sorry I didn't get a chance to go out with you in the afternoon (due to above mentioned unfortunate circumstance)
I think I was working with your friend pete in the morning, he looked really good, and the bump was truly in order.
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Old 09-27-2005, 09:05 PM   #3
Short Shifter
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yeah pete was stoked u sought him out for a bump instead of him having to come to u. he really appreciated it.

I opposied on turn 5 too while trying heavy trail braking to the apex of the corner...didn't work and off the back straight I went haha. Glad u are alright and glad I setup those airfences correctly!
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