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gottaducati 08-21-2006 01:19 PM

what does it mean
when i get on the gas in first gear the oil light comes on for a second. what does that mean?

Shelly 08-21-2006 01:34 PM need oil? hehe...j/k...check the wire that's used for sensor, I found mine to be all bent up and only one of the prongs was making contact=I think this might have been why mine didn't work and I had no idea my oil was so damn low! :(

CBRBob 08-21-2006 06:57 PM

Ita meens yuu haveta go to zee deeler.

High_Revs_17 08-21-2006 07:02 PM

The clutch chatters like crazy and the oil light blinks on and off at's a duc...what did you expect...:lol:

High_Revs_17 08-21-2006 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by ninjagirl
I had no idea my oil was so damn low! :(

Hence the reason for that little round window towards the bottom of the motor on the right side while the bike is upright. When observing one can see the level of oil in the case, or lack there of. :moocow:

sonny 08-22-2006 07:57 AM

stop lying, you dont even have a bike

SAXON117 08-22-2006 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by sonny
stop lying, you dont even have a bike

:roflmao: :roflmao:

GinoE 08-22-2006 09:20 AM

eww, i did a memorial ride this past saturday - a little under 500mi.

when i started the zrx in the morning, i noticed a knocking sound from the engine i've never heard before - ever. dopey me, did not take it seriously and started out on my 500mi ride.

beautiful weather the first 1/2 of the ride then rain the entire ride home. maybe i was lucky (or not, we will see); i had motul synth, the weather was in the 70°, it was raining - so i'm thinking it kept the engine fairly cool.

after the ride, i checked the sight glass - no oil showing! i poured in at least another 1.5 liters (it takes 3.5 l empty) to get it to where it's supposed to be. did an oil change last night and used a k&n filter (no valvoline m/c oil, they only had quaker suv/truck oil at walmart - sorry ninjagirl).

i heard the engine knock again this morning, i hope i didn't ruin anything...

(sorry for whoring your thread gottaducati)

gottaducati 08-22-2006 12:33 PM

thanks ninjagirl but as CBRbob said im off to the dealer. they werent open yesterday so i figured id ask around to see if anyone had any similiar problems.

no problem ginoe, i hope everything turns out ok...

sonny 08-23-2006 10:46 AM


Is it burning or leaking the oil? I would not ride a bike with a knock.

Bad things can happen, engine lockup.. back tire locks.. bad..

i would hmm check the drain plug

check teh oil filter
check everything! if its all ok, set it on fire.

GinoE 08-23-2006 11:17 AM

i've been bad.

ever since i traded in the gs500f for the sv650s, the zrx1200r just sits in the garage - all i do is ride the sv650s.

when i finally took the zrx out, i figure it should be okay since it was in decent shape with i last rode it. i should really get in the habit of ALWAYS doing a 'pre-flight' check before i ride off.

i've got to check with the zrx group & read up on the oil consumption.

sonny 08-23-2006 11:29 AM

it shouldnt eat up that much oil. ideally a bike shouldnt eat any inbetween oil changes, unless there is a seal problem or its a older motor.

i always do a pre-flight check. signals, lights, tires, me, etc. it's a good habit and only takes a few minutes... you can even do it while your bike is warming up!

CBRBob 08-23-2006 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by sonny
it shouldnt eat up that much oil. ideally a bike shouldnt eat any inbetween oil changes, unless there is a seal problem or its a older motor.

Obviously you down't own a bwm or hd :ride: :moocow:

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