Thread: Seized bolts
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Old 02-23-2009, 03:57 PM   #3
Short Shifter
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Originally Posted by IrocRob View Post
A few things you can try:

Apply some penetrating oil, liquid wrench, wd-40, or whatever and let it sit overnight.

An impact wrench, if you have one available.

If you dont have an impact wrench, improvise.
Get an extension on the allen wrench, and hit it with a hammer.
Don't be a gorilla with it, you just want to break any corrosion free.

If it still doesn't move, try using a hand held torch on the metal around
the bolt, you want to warm up the case but not the bolt itself.

If you haven't moved it yet, chances are you've rounded out the hexagon
and you'll have to drill it out.

If the bolt hole runs "through" and you can see where the bolt would come
out on the other end, a regular drill bit will work fine.
If it is a "blind" hole, or if you are unsure which is which, get yourself
some left-handed drill bits. These are drill bits which are run in reverse.
With a little good luck when the drill bit "catches" it will spin the bolt out.

With a little bad luck the drill bit will break.

If you start drilling through the bolt, be extremely careful for proper alignment.
You really don't want to drill into the threads.

Take a close look at the way the engine will come out of the frame,
you may be able to use a drill bit that will take the head off of the bolt
and that will allow you enough movement to remove the engine.

Or maybe enough room to get a hacksaw blade in there and cut the bolt itself.
Then you can work on the engine out of the bike, much easier that way.

If it's still in there after all these attempts, then it's time to start looking
for a beer, and call someone else to take care of it.

Good Luck
Thanks for the suggestions. Appreciate the tip re: heating the casing and not the bolt itself. I was a bit concerned w/ inadvertantly heating anything inside the casing, ie rubber seals, etc. I'll try my best and let you know. thanks again.
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