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Old 05-19-2007, 08:32 PM   #37
sponge mike square pants
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I have ridden with a couple different clubs. I think it comes down to bells and whistles. All of the track clubs run the same tracks so the nitty gritty of riding is all the same. It comes down to the service off the track that one would prefer.

I have seen TPM grow from a very small "Pocono" track day to where it is now. The one constant that I see with TPM is they are always trying to improve their trackdays. They do take suggestions from members they dont just "run a day" they make it an event. I can only coment on them becasue they are really the only club I have gone to more then 2 times. But like i said it comes down to the off the track services.
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dude...being a jets fan is like having a fetish for getting kicked in the nuts
[Today 09:17 AM] Cakes206: Miss one comma, all of a sudden become gay lmao
[Today 12:54 PM] Ant: omg it made me want to be illiterate
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