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Old 12-01-2006, 01:20 AM   #4
Roberts is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 97

Originally Posted by CBRBob View Post
Remember how many democrats YOU PEOPLE just voted in? Yea, the democratic party is just 2 degrees removed from the SOCIALIST/FACIST parties. So don't complain about the new taxes bitches.
Republican or Democratic, (or any other party for that matter) it doesn't matter. Neither party is 100% in the American peoples favor.

As far as the Republican party, they took away a whole shit load of your rights & a whole shit load to come in the so called "war on terror"; more a scare tactic to get Americans to give up their rights in the name of freedom?

That video sickens me to no end, even if only 10% was true. Though I do believe it to be very close to all true. The only thing that lost some credibility was the inlayed video of the lady being arrested for a suspended license. I saw the original video, that lady pushed the cops last nerve (it was still unnecessary to tazer her though).

I truly believe this is going to be a police state. Once the issuance of these national cards happen (and they are happening) you are no longer free, PERIOD. The more rights they take, the less free you are. Next large freedom to go is the right to keep and bare arms. Then freedom of speech.
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