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Old 05-18-2006, 01:09 PM   #15
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I knew this was coming, happens every year, I'm gonna confiscate those damn pics and delete them!

On a serious note, FYI for those in the dark; the human liver can only filter 6 ounces of alcohol from the blood per hour, anymore than that causes a buildup in the blood therefore initiating that happy feeling.

So if one's hanging out at the local bike night and drinks 6 ounces of beer an hour equaling 2 beers in four hours then they're perfectly fine to ride home. And if they do get stopped for speeding and the officer smells alcohol on their breath it won't matter because the rider isn't under the influenceto begin with, but that's providing one sticks to the plan, some do, some don't.

Personally I didn't need an excuse to dull my skills on the road so I used to have 1 beer then I'd switch to a non alcoholic beverage. Or if one fancy's the taste then a non-alcoholic beer would work well there too.

'92 Honda CB747-Cafe'

Last edited by High_Revs_17; 05-18-2006 at 01:20 PM..
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