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Old 07-06-2005, 03:46 PM   #37
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Posts: 111

Nope it wasn't me that got the flag unless I missed it but I WAS looking for it. I never made an 'illegal' pass unless the circumstances dictated it. I wasn't doing it on purpose. Twice I passed inside because a guy almost ran off the track and was sitting on the outside edge going really slowly. And once when we all got jammed up in 10 for some reason. In every case it just seemed the safest thing to do rather than wammie on the brakes and make the situation worse for people behind me.

I was told to come get a couple of coaches for evaluation after the lunch break but I didn't because I wanted more time to get comfortable on the bike. That was probably a mistake. I didn't mean to imply that there was no attention from the coaches. It's up to me to seek help or a bump. They told me I needed two coaches to sign off on the bump to red.

The guy getting flagged was probably the other dude I was keeping pace with. I think I got blamed for some of his stuff because he had a b/w suzuki and a yellow helmet too.

At least on the 250 it's easy to spot me

Really don't think it's air in the lines. I used a mighty vac and the lever-pull method when I installed everything, kept the lever tied back overnight and while trailering and bled them a couple of times at the track. Because of them returning to normal after a session I'm still thinking fluid boil. But I won't completely rule out air in the lines b/c ya never know.

Come find me when I have the RS running again and you can take it out for a session. It's a very different riding experience. Unfortunately, they've set a standard for brakes in my mind that I don't think I'll find in a heavier 4 stroke without spending big money.
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