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Old 07-05-2005, 09:57 PM   #22
AfricanBootyScratcher's Avatar
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My lovely trip home from summit was quite interesting,
(long but worth reading)
the old rule of the road is simple, "keep right, pass left", but apparently there are those who ignore that rule and problems may arise.
so we're cruising up I95 in Maryland, Michelle is driving my truck, and for those that don't know her, lets just say she's not shy with the gas pedal (she also races cars, so thankfully has great car control). Then this car jumps over from the center which is empty at this time, to the left lane and cuts her off, mind you we're going between 80 and 90, and this car is around 50. Now the traffic, including Sean and his hirl Alecia, and Jeff and his girlfriend Doug, are all getting backed up behind us, so Michelle flashes the high beams real quick and the nutcase slams the brakes. we're now going just under 45mph, and every body just starts passing us. Too late for Michelle, she's now pissed and starts leaning on the horn waiting for them to move, which they don't. She finally gives up and passes them on the right, and as she does some crazy girl (not michelle, another one) starts yelling at us out thier window, so Michelle grabs an open water bottle and flings it at them, hitting the top of the door, just above the open window and probably splashing water onto her. Michelle takes off and resumes her speed, at this point the car comes flying upto my rear bumper (I guess now she can go 90) and starts flashing high beams, so the road rage picks up a notch, and Michelle starts grabbing handfulls of my change and flinging out the window at them, till they back off, and we resume normal driving.....
but it doesn''t end there, as we aproach the maryland/delaware toll plaza this car comes shooting accross 2 lanes, barely missing the median, within inches of my front bumper and slams on the brakes. some fat crazy bitch jumps out and starts yelling as she walks towards the truck, of course Michelle yells back, and she comes up to the window as Michelle is trying to unlatch the seatbelt and starts slapping at her, untill michelle finally gets the belt off and hits her back, opens the door into the bitch and jumps out, at which time she starts backing up. Meanwhile I see the passanger door open, and jump out myself, to see another fat chick, though taller, come running out. I'm just confused at this point, because I'm not gonna hit a chick (nomatter how ugly), but at the same time I can't let them team up on her. so I just jump in front of the passanger, yell at her to get bach in the car and keep on eye on my crazy girl. So they just keep yelling and stuff till some transit cops appears out of nowhere. At this point fat driver ho tells him that michelle threw water at her, and she wears glasses. yes, we were all confused by that comment. We point out to the officer they cut us off, slammed the brakes, and were traveling at 45mph in the left lane, and the passanger tells him it's because they were unsure of where they were. Once again, we are all confused, and the officer asks them why the hell would they be in the left(fast) lane if they didn't know where they were going and were planning on going slow? They had no answer, and he tells us all to go through the toll plaza and pull off to the side so we can chat, which we did (along with Sean and Alecia who were behind us at this time), yet the two dumbass dirty girls took off! Michelle thinks of taking off after them, but the cop tells us to hang out and calm down. We tell him the story (minus the 80 -90mph part) and takes our side 100%, plus the fact that they took off makes them look bad. He tells us he got thier plate, and I ask him what's he gonna do about it. He says they'll check the EZ pass camera, and see if they have her cutting us off at the toll plaza, and if so they will issue a reckless ticket. in otherwords they won't do a thing I bet. so after he holds us a bit, to make sure they are far enough away, he lets us go to enjoy the rest of our trip home.
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