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The Helmet Story
Old 01-23-2006, 06:59 PM   #1
SBA Evangelist
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Red face The Helmet Story

We all spoke to the Arai rep about testing the biscuit's helmet after his crash. The guy said if you suffer any brain trauma, concussion, memory loss, etc. Arai doesn't need to test it b/c the helmet is no longer good. I accept the fact that Arai and Shoei are good helmets, and expensive....but I crashed in a HJC, and didn't have any of the above issues. I know that HJC is one of the cheaper brands, but I just found that interesting. He asked me what kind of helmet I've got now and I told him a Scorpion and he said granted that's a $200.00 helmet you can give it to us and we'll give you about $75.00-$100.00 of credit towards an Arai. I was like I just bought this helmet, it's unlikely that I'm going to burn the difference in the money by giving it to you for an Arai...I also found interesting (although I've been told this before) that if you drop a helmet just once, from about 2-3 feet from the ground it's no longer good b/c the foam gets compressed and doesn't offer as much protection. That seems realistic, but at the same time upsetting. When Mark crashed my helmet fell off my mirror and now I'm supposed to believe that it's not good anymore.....WTF???
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