Thread: VOTE
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Old 11-26-2012, 02:23 PM   #31
Lieutenant Dan
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Originally Posted by JasonB View Post
So Obama gave welfare, and foodstamps to minorities for their vote? I'm black, my son is black, my wife, sister, mother, father. No one in my family get or receive anything or any gifts from Obama.

He also won all the swing states except North Carolina. So the only people that voted for Obama were people who are now expecting gifts? Really??
No, lots of people on some subsidy in our country... Nearly fifty percent of the population receives some sort of subsidy. And let's not forget the legions full of idiots who have been indoctrinated into believing our country is evil and needs to be cut down to size.... The manifesto is well on its way to fulfillment... Thanks to legions of useful idiots . Lots of people BELIEVE the Government should be running EVERYTHING.... And they will, eventually even stuff you don't want them too.
Whattayagot  80
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