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John712 02-25-2013 08:50 AM

asshole in berkley heights this morning
People need to get a life!! On my way to work, having a good morning, woke up early and made cofdee and breakfast. This never happens. But I ate, drank my coffee and took a shower. Then got dressed, got my things and out the door by 5:30 - 5:45. Traffic is great, very few cars. I get on the higyway all the way to the left lane, doing 60-65mph and I'm approaching a car fast, he must be doing 30mph. But whatever I move over one lane and I pass him, fucking guy is texting!!! About a minute late the guy I passed I get back into the left lane and boom this same car, volkswagon passed me and get in front of me and slows down to about 35mph again. DAFUK!!!! I get over and pass him and stay in this lane. Well.... he passes me and then get in front of me and slows again. Ok now I'm getting pissed. I pass in the 3rd lane, way to the right. I know this is a bad idea cause theres so many pot holes here. But whatever ill try to get over before that bad sectiom. But omg this asshole in the volkswagon passes me again, jumps in front of me and I switch lanes real fast to avoid hitting those pot holes, this guy wasnt so lucky, he hit those pot holes and I heard both his tires blow out. I honked at him as I passed by him doimg 5mph :)

ronaldo9 02-25-2013 09:28 AM

Lol you ain't right John.

Cakes206 02-25-2013 10:10 AM

LMAO that ain't right :lol:

SPL170db 02-25-2013 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by John712 (Post 113541)
he hit those pot holes and I heard both his tires blow out. I honked at him as I passed by him doimg 5mph :)

LaFemmes 02-25-2013 02:18 PM


spyder 02-25-2013 04:43 PM

OMG thats great.... Effing A$$hole

CBRBob 02-25-2013 10:24 PM

That is right, why would it not be right. fuck that guy and his pos flat tired vw

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