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BadKitty 05-27-2008 10:03 AM

My beaverun report
Track weekend was ok. Started saturday in intermediate for the first time cuz that is what my coaches from mid-ohio last month had told me to. I was too slow and there were some insanely fast ppl in that class, so i dropped back down to novice after lunch with a few other ppl that were also right in the edge of the 2 classes. We cooked thru and had a blast. Passed every single person on the track that was not in our group, some several times in a session.

Sunday i stayed in novice but went out with the same intermediate coach that stayed one-on-one with me at mid-ohio, and again he told me i was ready for intermediate, but i am still not quite feeling it. SO i stayed in novice and got to be one of the fastest ppl out there instead of the slowest in intermediate.

Sunday after lunch on my first session, my throttle was sticking again and i kept missing shifts and popping out of gear, so I got off track to check it out, and as i was waiting for my travel-buddy/mechanic Russo to get out of his session to look at it, I realize I was ridiculously exhausted and decided that I should not go back out. So my day was done.

Then I went over to chat with a fellow SBG for a bit. I was showing her my throttlemeister setup and then realized THAT is was was making my throttle stick out there! YES>>>> vindication!! It WAS NOT 100% that I was a complete idiot and so exhaused that I missing that many shifts!! I felt better then.

All in all, I think i woulda had a better weekend and felt less of a failure if I had just stuck in Novice from the get-go. Had a BLAST once I got into the right group though. Got down to a 1:18 lap time, so that's good I guess. I am sooooo sore too.....owee...i need a massage!!

Next track day will probably be at BeaveRun with TPM in August. Anyone wanna volunteer to be my one-on-one coach? I do sooo much better that way! CakeFace?

CBRBob 05-28-2008 11:49 AM

Cakes can't coach you, officially. If you want true 1 on 1 you need Art-2. Mark is really cool.
Of course you will get some help from any coach you ask. :)

BadKitty 05-28-2008 12:16 PM

I did take ART ii with Mark last fall and had a blast, learned a ton. He is indeed awesome. I just need track time now to get it all into muscle memory and 2nd nature. I take a lil longer with this kind of thing than most ppl, mostly cuz I am a chicken shit. Any coach volunteers?

Respect_My_Authorita 05-28-2008 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by BadKitty (Post 86391)
I did take ART ii with Mark last fall and had a blast, learned a ton. He is indeed awesome. I just need track time now to get it all into muscle memory and 2nd nature. I take a lil longer with this kind of thing than most ppl, mostly cuz I am a chicken shit. Any coach volunteers?

like bob said, just ask around the coaches at the track, most of them are really nice and helpful, be ask them to show you the lines and follow you, give you some feedback. if you are not happy grab another coach, they are all free :lol:

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