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RAC 10-23-2006 11:26 AM

So I think it's time for a new chain and spocket. What is the difference between these 520 conversion kits I see and stock and which is better???? Thanks guys!

Cakes206 10-23-2006 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by RAC (Post 51261)
So I think it's time for a new chain and spocket. What is the difference between these 520 conversion kits I see and stock and which is better???? Thanks guys!

The #'ing is for size. Most stock bikes have a 525. Bigger bikes can have a 530. 520 conversion user a smaller chain with smaller sprocket teeth(size wise.) The bennies to a 520(less rotating mass) aren't really noticed for street use. Track days sure, racing definitely. If you do decide to do the 520, DID ERV3 w/Afam sprockets are the way to go :nod2:

RAC 10-23-2006 12:01 PM

Another Pitt Bull product Joe???? Dude I seriously hope you are getting a check from them!!!!! I'm not into racing so what to you recomend??

Cakes206 10-23-2006 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by RAC (Post 51264)
Another Pitt Bull product Joe???? Dude I seriously hope you are getting a check from them!!!!! I'm not into racing so what to you recomend??

LOL...I've had the same chain and sprockets on the track bike 3 years now, the edges on the teeth still look like the day I got it, money well spent IMHO. Depending on what your using the bike for, and for how much longer you plan on keeping the bike, stick with OEM then. Be sure keep up with proper maint. like chain tension, cleaning the sprockets(grease build up around the teeth,) cleaning and lubing the chain. That in itself will make for a longer lasting set up.

tommymac 10-23-2006 12:29 PM

For the street the stock 525 or 530 is more than adequate, just get good sprockets so that they last fora long time. And like Joe said with good maintenance you can easily get between 10 and 20k miles from a chain/sprockets.


RAC 10-23-2006 12:58 PM

Rear sprocket is 40 from yamaha can't find the little front one. Whats that called?? I want to get a "cool" chain any suggestions on where to get 1?

ronin_01r1 10-23-2006 01:02 PM

i need one too.. can't believe mine is starting to show signs of rust! i put on a lot of miles riding in the rain.. i should've been more mindful.

RAC 10-23-2006 01:05 PM

Mine just looks really shitty and I want to replace them. There is nothing wrong with them other than they look like shit.

ronin_01r1 10-23-2006 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by RAC (Post 51272)
Mine just looks really shitty and I want to replace them. There is nothing wrong with them other than they look like shit.

are they beyond cleaning?

RAC 10-23-2006 01:21 PM

Yeah. Spocket has some surface rust on it.

sonny 10-23-2006 02:16 PM

My chain has a bit of rust on the inside from doing 300+ miles in the rain..

I'll buy the DID kit probably. -1 front, +2 rear.

:ride: zoom

ffejtable 10-23-2006 02:46 PM

My stock chain and sprockets (525/steel) lasted me 20k+ miles and still had plenty of life left... I just didnt see the need to risk pushing it more than that, though. I swapped it out with a 520/aluminum kit only because I wanted to have the same setup on the street and track bike.

I'd highly recommend sticking with the stock setup. You arent going to see too many 520/alum setups last 20k+ miles.

Changing the gearing -1/+2 is another story and fine, for the most part. I've heard going -1 in the front may reduce longevity/increase wear, but havent seen any evidence of it...

RAC 10-23-2006 02:59 PM


Cakes206 10-23-2006 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by RAC (Post 51288)

Where are you pricing? Talk to anyone of our vendors(see the banner ads.) Ron from WCW(hes the closest) will hook ya up, tell em we sent ya.

RAC 10-23-2006 03:16 PM

I'm looking online. I find the best prices there.

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