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Kennedy 02-02-2007 03:00 PM

Weightlifting/Body Building
How many of you are currently into weight training or bodybuilding? If so what kind of schedule do you usually follow and what kind of weight do you put up.

Right now I'm trying various day splits trying to find the right one for me.
Currently this week I have done....
(today) Tri's/calves/hamstrings/cardio

If anyone is interested in the exercises I did for each body part just ask and I'll refer to my log and post up.

I feel that sometimes a 5 day split gives my muscles too long of a rest, Im thinking of trying a 4 or even 3 day split (whole body in 3-4 days)

Currently Im 167 lb's at 5'6 1/2" last body fat reading I had was about a month ago at 17% body fat. Im looking to lower that to anywhere from 12-14%.....When I started in June I was 155 lbs of flab. In early december I weighed in at 175 (of flab ;) ) and just began to diet and do alot more cardio to try and "cut up". I would like to get my weight to anywhere from back to 155 - 160 but keeping my strength and whatever muscle I currently have on my body.

I've been training since june and just hit my goal of Benching 225 x 3. My next goal for bench is to be able to hit 225 x 12 reps. Just a little background.......

Maybe if I get enough hits/responses ill post some before/after pics ;)

Vin 02-02-2007 03:10 PM

Queue "I'm 60lbs but I know all about bodybuilding because I read books and the internet" dolts in 5, 4, 3, 2...

I'll post more late when I have time.

My advice is to go heavy, eat, rest, eat, and go heavy again.

Rev 02-02-2007 03:20 PM

Sex is the best cardio....

Vin 02-02-2007 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Rev (Post 58080)
Sex is the best cardio....

I bet your right hand has some insane grip.

jcblitz 02-02-2007 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Vin (Post 58079)
Queue "I'm 60lbs but I know all about bodybuilding because I read books and the internet" dolts in 5, 4, 3, 2...

I'll post more late when I have time.

My advice is to go heavy, eat, rest, eat, and go heavy again.

That's a different sport bike related website. And if you're looking to tone up and be cut, body building isn't the avenue you want to investigate.

Vin 02-02-2007 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by jcblitz (Post 58082)
if you're looking to tone up and be cut, body building isn't the avenue you want to investigate.

It absolutely is, because you can go through a (clean) bulking phase (eat a lot), and then shift gears to tone the gains.

Kennedy 02-02-2007 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by jcblitz (Post 58082)
That's a different sport bike related website. And if you're looking to tone up and be cut, body building isn't the avenue you want to investigate.

Bodybuilding is the act of building/bulking and then cutting to show those gains you have made.

Weightlifting is the act of lifting weights to be as strong as you can physical appearance makes no difference to you

jcblitz 02-02-2007 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Vin (Post 58083)
It absolutely is, because you can go through a (clean) bulking phase (eat a lot), and then shift gears to tone the gains.

All the body builders I know that aren't body builders anymore are now fatsos (I knew 3 competitive body builders a couple years back). The were telling me as they got older and went through their "bulking" stage for the season, it got harder and harder to turn that into muscle / burn it off where as they had no problems when they were younger. It seems to me that Kennedy doesn't have a problem putting on weight, where as someone who has problems putting on the pounds might want to build a base before toning. With that said I don't think that route would be the most beneficial for a person looking to get into shape and build some muscle mass in process instead of bulking up for competition. But that's just my take on what his goals are.


Originally Posted by Kennedy (Post 58084)
I would like to get my weight to anywhere from back to 155 - 160 but keeping my strength and whatever muscle I currently have on my body.


Originally Posted by Kennedy (Post 58084)
Bodybuilding is the act of building/bulking and then cutting to show those gains you have made.

Weightlifting is the act of lifting weights to be as strong as you can physical appearance makes no difference to you

It sounds like you want to loose weight and still maintain strength / size, doesn't sound like bulking to me. It sounds like toning.

Vin 02-02-2007 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by jcblitz (Post 58086)
All the body builders I know that aren't body builders anymore are now fatsos (I knew 3 competitive body builders a couple years back). The were telling me as they got older and went through their "bulking" stage for the season, it got harder and harder to turn that into muscle / burn it off where as they had no problems when they were younger. It seems to me that Kennedy doesn't have a problem putting on weight, where as someone who has problems putting on the pounds might want to build a base before toning. With that said I don't think that route would be the most beneficial for a person looking to get into shape and build some muscle mass in process instead of bulking up for competition. But that's just my take on what his goals are.

Totally understood, but you're comparing some competitive bodybuilders with an amateur who wants to put on size and cut it.

Additionally, you're saying that said individuals are "fatsos" -- maintaining muscle is basically a second (or third) job for people, and it doesn't come and maintain naturally. Shit, it doesn't automatically maintain via "chemicals" either.

I think you're correct on Kennedy's goals (but Chris can answer that). My advice is merely an oversimplification on the entire process. My mantra's been to lift heavy or not lift at all, and through a decent diet and keeping at the weight, I've been able to tone up (and gain size) considerably while being able to keep and enhance my strength.

High_Revs_17 02-02-2007 04:06 PM

If you're looking to maintain decent lap times tone up, don't bulk up. You'll also develop better stamina from toning than bulking, just the thing you need for trackdays/racing, and I'm sure your woman won't mind the end results either.

Xracer264 02-02-2007 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Kennedy (Post 58077)
How many of you are currently into weight training or bodybuilding? If so what kind of schedule do you usually follow and what kind of weight do you put up.

Right now I'm trying various day splits trying to find the right one for me.
Currently this week I have done....
(today) Tri's/calves/hamstrings/cardio

If anyone is interested in the exercises I did for each body part just ask and I'll refer to my log and post up.

I feel that sometimes a 5 day split gives my muscles too long of a rest, Im thinking of trying a 4 or even 3 day split (whole body in 3-4 days)

Currently Im 167 lb's at 5'6 1/2" last body fat reading I had was about a month ago at 17% body fat. Im looking to lower that to anywhere from 12-14%.....When I started in June I was 155 lbs of flab. In early december I weighed in at 175 (of flab ;) ) and just began to diet and do alot more cardio to try and "cut up". I would like to get my weight to anywhere from back to 155 - 160 but keeping my strength and whatever muscle I currently have on my body.

I've been training since june and just hit my goal of Benching 225 x 3. My next goal for bench is to be able to hit 225 x 12 reps. Just a little background.......

Maybe if I get enough hits/responses ill post some before/after pics ;)


I currently train or excercise three to four days a week. Since I haven't trained for a while here is what I do currently:

Abs every workout
Finish with cardio after every workout except Quads (I'll usually warm up some cardio)
Day 1 - Chest/ biceps and triceps
Day 2 - back and shoulders
Day 3 - quads, hamstrings and calves

At my age I'm just looking to stay "fit" and tone. Plus I don't have alot of time to go to the gym like I did when I was 21....LOL

shadoxkila 02-02-2007 08:07 PM

cardio everyday if your trying to lose weight....worst part of the workout, but completely necessary. you'd actually be surprised about how much your diet can effect everything also no matter how much you workout

cardio everyday

as far as weight i just put the weight as heavy as i can so i can do between 5-8 reps

ImmaSquashYou 02-02-2007 09:31 PM

hymm....i know ur suppose to let your muscles rest or what not. But i work out about 3-4 days a week. start off with either 4 miles on elliptical or 2 miles running/walking. But i do back, chest, biceps, triceps, basically everything on the upper body everyday. I do legs once week. But then again, i ski/snowboard so i can't really push it that hard otherwise it would suck on the mountain. I was hurting at first n my muscles didn't recover that quickly. But since now, my muscles have been recovering fine and i don't get sore at all.

Ant 02-02-2007 09:57 PM

I have been hitting the gym for about 3 months now. PM cakes for a good workout because I just do what he tells me too. :lol:

Also, Vin is right. For those of you who don't believe him, you should see him in person. He's a pretty big guy.

HookRone 02-02-2007 10:14 PM

Kennedy, congrats on metting your goal. I need to set myself a bench goal.

I do a 3 day split.

1. Chest/Tris
2. Back/ Bi's
3. Back/legs

30-40 min cardio

Try to pack on somemore mass for the summer. :) Actually cutting down calories and try to cut.

Cakes206 02-03-2007 09:04 AM

Training since June? So less than a year? My advice...keep going, train hard, and don't think about the results, let it just happen as it's definitely not going to happen over night. It takes years of dedication and hard work as the human body can only produce naturally about 4lbs maybe 5lbs max of muscle a year. Also when training, yes you need to train hard, but be smart about it, if you constantly go balls out, you'll have problems down the road, i.e. joint issues. Because although your muscles are able to throw the weight around, doesn't mean your joints, ten, and lig are able to keep up. Everything needs to progress together. Time is key.

With that said, I personally like a 4 day split with a day off in the middle, two days on, one day off, two days on, one day off, repeat.

Muscle group i.e.

Another thing is to make sure you sleep, get a solid 8 hours. And be sure to EAT, EAT, EAT.

Good luck.

Ant 02-03-2007 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Cakes982 (Post 58118)
Training since June? So less than a year? My advice...keep going, train hard, and don't think about the results, let it just happen as it's definitely not going to happen over night. It takes years of dedication and hard work as the human body can only produce naturally about 4lbs maybe 5lbs max of muscle a year. Also when training, yes you need to train hard, but be smart about it, if you constantly go balls out, you'll have problems down the road, i.e. joint issues. Because although your muscles are able to throw the weight around, doesn't mean your joints, ten, and lig are able to keep up. Everything needs to progress together. Time is key.

With that said, I personally like a 4 day split with a day off in the middle, two days on, one day off, two days on, one day off, repeat.

Muscle group i.e.

Another thing is to make sure you sleep, get a solid 8 hours. And be sure to EAT, EAT, EAT.

Good luck.

I have to say, I've seen some decent results after only 3 months on the Cakes workout.

pillaka 02-03-2007 11:07 AM

End of 2004 I started to weight lift pretty seriously, I was tired of going to the gym for months and months prior, taking advice from other people and not getting results. So I started to do a little of my own research for a mass gaining workout. Worked out 3 days a week, mon, wed, and fri. Mon was chest/triceps/abs, wed was legs/lower back, fri was biceps/ upper back. Tried to keep the workouts under an hour because your body starts to break down muscles for energy for any longer workout. Also I focuses on compound workouts. In a 3 month period I went from 160 lbs to 175lbs, body fat went from 14% to 8%. I did absolutely no cardio. Then of course I crashed on VIR N the following nov in '04, and sprained my back muscles, so I lost everything I gained!

Most of the workouts with weights were 6 sets. First two reps would be a warmup. I'll use the bench presse as my example. I would just start with the barbell to get the blood flowing. After that I would start to add weight.

1st & 2nd sets, no weight warmup. 15 reps

3rd set, add weight, 12 - 15 easy reps.

4th set, add more weight, 8 - 10 reps.

5th set, even more weight, 4 - 6 reps to failure.

6th set, enough weight to do 1 - 2 reps to failure.

In between each rep, I would take a 3 min break. I also focused on the negative repetition, I would take about a second to push up the barbell, but slowly lower it back down to my chest counting slowly to 3. You obviously can't lift as much weight like this, but it's actually the negative rep that really works your muscles.

Immediatly after the 6th set I would switch back to the weight done in the 3rd set and lift till muscular failure. Then switch to dumbell flys just to eek out a little more from the muscles. It really burned every time and I would be sore for a good 4 - 5 days afterwords.

You also gotta be strict with your diet, on workout days, and non workout days you gotta consume a certain amount of protein, carbs, and calories to provide your body with what it needs to rebuild. Don't remember exactly how to calc it out off the top of my head right now. Also rest is a big factor, gotta get 8 hrs of sleep per day.

High_Revs_17 02-03-2007 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Cakes982 (Post 58118)
And be sure to EAT, EAT, EAT, CAKE, CAKE, CAKE!


Cakes206 02-03-2007 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by pillaka (Post 58123)
I was tired of going to the gym for months and months prior, taking advice from other people and not getting results.

What kind of people? Did they at least look like they knew what they were talking about? :lol: In all seriousness, most people who offer workout/diet tips, shouldn't.


Originally Posted by pillaka (Post 58123)
Mon was chest/triceps/abs, wed was legs/lower back, fri was biceps/ upper back.

No Delts?


Originally Posted by pillaka (Post 58123)
Tried to keep the workouts under an hour because your body starts to break down muscles for energy for any longer workout.

No way will this happen that quick with a proper diet.


Originally Posted by pillaka (Post 58123)
In a 3 month period I went from 160 lbs to 175lbs, body fat went from 14% to 8%.

How did you calculate BMI? At 8% B/F you're about 2-3 weeks away from stepping on stage.

Vin 02-03-2007 05:31 PM

6 Sets? OMFG

Kennedy 02-03-2007 06:52 PM

I do 4 to 5 sets. But 6 sets is ALOT.

Vin 02-03-2007 07:08 PM

Ok, here's my deal.

My heaviest (out of shape) was 240lbs in 1998. My trimmest is now at 198, current day. I am a newly-diagnosed Type 2 diabetic (stress-induced as per physician, not diet-related), so I need to take special precautions when using BB supplements. I no longer use protein shakes as rigorously as I had.

My routine is my own special mix that has worked for ME. I don't know or think it would work for anyone else, but it could be a starting point. I am not a personal trainer, so I take no responsibility for the actions resulting from any advice you may or may not choose to follow.

The sets I do are never more than 12 reps, never less than 4. If I can only do four on a max set, then I will stop and do another 4 after I rest. I do not take more than 90 seconds break between sets. I do not bring a cell-phone with me in the gym. I am not in the gym to fraternize with the Gotti wanna-bes or check out the shallow Staten Island bitches. I do not deal with bullshit. I go, I lift heavy, I go the hell home.

If I feel I fucked up a set, I DO IT AGAIN, CORRECTLY. I do not pussyfoot around my weights. I try to eat as cleanly as possible. Proper lifting form is important and vital to longevity in the gym.

A lot of the gym is mental. Attack the weights. If you don't want to go, GO. A bad day in the gym is sometimes better than sitting on your ass saying "Man, I should have gone to the gym." Of course, if you're sick or ill, that's a different story.

If you want to put on CLEAN size, watch your diet. It is a major factor in how you grow. Feed yourself to put on size, watch what you feed yourself to ensure the size is clean. You're a young guy with a TON of potential, Chris. You got a lot in your favor.

My split usually is as follows:
Day 1 -- Back -- My favorite!
  • Close-grip chinups (warm-up) x 10
  • Close-grip chinups (warm-up) x 10
  • Wide-grip chinups + 45lbs weight belt to failure
  • Wide-grip chinups + 45lbs weight belt to failure
  • Wide-grip chinups (bodyweight) to failure
  • Single-arm Dumbbell rows (4 sets @ 10-8 reps each) Max around 100lbs now
  • T-Bar rows (4 sets @ 8-6 reps) Max: 3plates
  • Deadlifts -or- rack pulls (4 sets @ 8-6 reps) Max: 315lbs
  • Close-grip pull-downs (3 sets @ 8-6 reps) Max: 260lbs
  • To work the lats hard, I do an exercise where I'm kneeling before a pulley, pulling the triceps rope down towards my stomach while keeping my body upright. Light weight (<100lbs) will work well.

Day 2 -- Chest
  • Fascia stretching for 5 minutes
  • Incline BB press Max: 275
  • Flat DB press (Hammer Strength works too) Max: 110lbs (if I use hammer strength, it's 4 plates each side)
  • Weighted Dips -or- Decline Hammer Strength Dips - bodyweight+45lbs or 3plates DHS
  • Supinated DB flies Max: 40lbs

Day 3 -- Off/Cardio/Legs (when my knees are up to it)
  • Cardio: Running/Walking/Biking/Excessive masturbation/etc
  • Squats, calf raises, leg ext, curls

Day 4 -- Shoulders
  • DB shoulder press Max: 90lbs ea.
  • Lateral DB raise Max: 40lbs ea.
  • Vertical BB raise Max: 105lbs
  • I will then superset machine military press + machine lateral raise, and triple dropset
  • Reverse pec-deck Max: 230lbs
  • Shrugs Max: varies too much, depending on if my shoulder hurts

Day 5 -- Biceps/Triceps -- this part of my routine needs work
  • BB curl Max: 145lbs
  • Hammer strength preacher curl Max: 135lbs
  • DB Hammer curls Max: 60lbs ea.
  • Incline DB curls Max: 40lbs ea. -- OUCH
  • Close-grip Smith Press Max: 225lbs
  • Skullcrushers Max: 90lbs
  • Rope pull-down Max: 150lbs -- no need to go heavy
  • Dips

Day 6 -- Recovery
  • Recover from excessive masturbation on day 3. :(

Day 7 -- Start at Day 1

Cakes206 02-04-2007 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Kennedy (Post 58142)
I do 4 to 5 sets. But 6 sets is ALOT.

5 is alot too.

Kennedy 02-04-2007 01:34 PM

Depends on the body part, some days if I don't hit 5 sets for a certain body part it feels like it has no effect....sometimes you have to shock your muscles to grow past where they already have been built up to.

Cakes206 02-04-2007 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Kennedy (Post 58178)
Depends on the body part, some days if I don't hit 5 sets for a certain body part it feels like it has no effect.

Up your intensity earlier.

Originally Posted by Kennedy (Post 58178)
sometimes you have to shock your muscles to grow past where they already have been built up to.

Like by grabbing an electric fence? One of the best ways to getting past a plateau point is to take a week off from the gym. Rest your body, continue to eat clean. Your first day back in the gym you'll be like, holy crap. There is only so much the human body can endure in a certain period of time, for those who are natural these times are shorter. Muscle growth comes from rest and eating, not when you're actually working out which is just one of the phases.

ZeRo_C0oL 02-05-2007 01:41 AM

I used to be in very good shape and always active, and did a lot of weight lifting... now I've been sitting at a desk for a few years and have kind of let myself go, unfortunately, with the excuse that I don't have time anymore. Fuck that! I don't like what I've become. I've probably spent $30 in body building magazines over the last week or so (and other mens fitness mags) studying and sort of mentally preparing to put myself through hell to get back to where I want to be. I know it's not going to be quick, nor will it be easy, but the long term result will be worth it.

I know this is off topic, but I need some motivation!

Vin 02-05-2007 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by ZeRo_C0oL (Post 58218)
I used to be in very good shape and always active, and did a lot of weight lifting... now I've been sitting at a desk for a few years and have kind of let myself go, unfortunately, with the excuse that I don't have time anymore. Fuck that! I don't like what I've become. I've probably spent $30 in body building magazines over the last week or so (and other mens fitness mags) studying and sort of mentally preparing to put myself through hell to get back to where I want to be. I know it's not going to be quick, nor will it be easy, but the long term result will be worth it.

I know this is off topic, but I need some motivation!

How's this for motivation:
Either sit at your desk and be a fat bastard, or stop being lazy and get to the gym (or even try walking). America is a fat, lazy country. Don't add to the statistic.

jcblitz 02-05-2007 09:12 AM

Here's my fitness routine:

Vin 02-05-2007 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by jcblitz (Post 58221)

WarioWare FTW!

Rev 02-05-2007 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Vin (Post 58081)
I bet your right hand has some insane grip.

Insane isn't the word..

After my accident it's difficult for me. My wrist doesn't bend all the way and I'm an asshole for not exercising it like I should. I have started my weight training again and it seriously sux in comparison to what I used to do. I'm like doing not even a quarter of the weight. It's actually depressing....Vin and other weight lifters you can just imagine the stress in not being able to do your old routine work out. I have to adjust everything now. My stance, posture, all the minor things...I'm gonna be a trooper though and not complain and cry...I think I'm gonna take some before and after pictures..although before pics yall may cry and laugh at the same time.. :moocow:

Ant 02-05-2007 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Vin (Post 58143)
Ok, here's my deal.

  • Cardio: Running/Walking/Biking/Excessive masturbation/etc

Does the masturbation really work? That might be why I'm not leaning out as much. :(

Vin 02-05-2007 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rev (Post 58242)
Vin and other weight lifters you can just imagine the stress in not being able to do your old routine work out.

I go two days off and I'm having a nervous breakdown; I swear I can see myself shrinking in the mirror (I then realize I got out of a cold shower).

I DO feel for you, bro. That's gotta suck, but stick to it.

Kennedy 02-05-2007 07:45 PM

Had a nice back work out today

Wide Grip Pull Ups = 53

Lat Pull Downs Behind the head
12x120 10 x 130 8 x 140

B/O Barbell Rows
15 x 95 15 x 115 12 x 135

Cable Rows
12 x 130 12 x 140 10 x 150

Close Grip Pull Downs

12 x 100 10 x 100 10 x 110

Wasn't feeling to hot after that so I bounced early and didn't do Cardio or triceps like I was supposed to

AfricanBootyScratcher 02-05-2007 11:17 PM

Thankfully, I've already got a super sexy bod, even though I am lazy!

Kennedy 02-28-2007 08:48 PM

Today was leg day....basically I needed a wheelchair to get to my car......

5 Minute Jog Warmup

12 x 95(warmup)....... 15 x 135 ......... 12 x 225 .......... 6 x 315

Leg Press
12 x 180 ........ 12 x 225 .......... 12 x 270

Leg Extensions

12 x 85 ....... 12 x 100 ......... 12 x 105 DS*(dropset) ......... 6 x 70

Seated Calf Raises
12 x 45 .......... 12 x 90 ............ 12 x 70

Standing Calf Raises

12 x 60 ............ 12x 80 .............. 12 x 60

Donkey Calf Raises

12 x 160 ......... 12 x 200 .......... 12 x 220 .......... 8 x 240

This workout went from 3:50 - 5:10

Jay 02-28-2007 10:07 PM

I have been known to pick up a weight every now and then....

Kennedy 02-28-2007 10:13 PM

Yea I dont know about that........jk Nice lat spread

Ant 03-01-2007 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Jay (Post 60670)
I have been known to pick up a weight every now and then....

So post up your routine.

Jay 03-01-2007 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Ant (Post 60728)
So post up your routine.

Well you want my workout split? Diet? Supplement regimen?

My split is nothing special. Classic at best.

Mon. Back/Bi's/Calves
Tues. Shoulders/Traps/Abs
Weds. Off
Thurs. Quads/Hams/Calves
Fri. Off (i have work at night)
Sat. Chest/Tris/Abs

My new split will soon be

Mon. Back/Traps/Calves
Tues. Shoulders/Tris/Abs
Weds. off
Thurs. Quads/Hams/Calves
Fri. off
Sat. Chest/bi's/abs

Pick a day from my current split and i'll tell you what i do for that workout.

Also...workouts, supplementation will do you NO GOOD without proper diet.

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