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Anubis 12-07-2005 04:51 PM

Bloody hell, i miss a few days and this thread goes crazy......... To get back to the original question, i use my bike for both. and have done quite a few trackdays this year, until winter came i didn`t have a problem. I left my bike in track `clothing` and just rode it like that, it`s only now winter`s come and it goes dark at 4pm and light at 8.30am that i`ve had to consider what to do. For the time being i`m using the car for work :banghead: cos it`ll take me 2 hours to road-if-i the bike. But hey its worthit for me only 2 months to go and i`ll be back riding road again.

P.s just done a trackday today.

Qetesh 12-07-2005 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by CoolerBig
Well, there is only one comment I would like to leave here...
You can not make money (I mean make, not win money), if you are NOT smart. This is the reality. And again...I would like to mention it to you: Please do not think that everyone is the same. This assumption is wrong.

I take back everything I said...

I hope you learn the lesson, either way.

You posted that you wanted information regarding track days and bikes, blah blah blah...

There are so many people on this board, myself included, that are devoted to track days and the organizations they ride with. We all have enough time, experience and knowledge under our belts to be able to help a newbie like you make the right choices BEFORE you get there.

You don't seem to give a shit what we have to say or that we care about your safety and well I hope your money will buy you some smarts and help you to lose the chip on your shoulder.

Good luck if you decide to stick it out with track days.

I'm so done with this thread :banghead:

pillaka 12-30-2005 02:22 PM

Anyone can ride any bike on any track. It all comes down to what you do inside your head and what transfers to your right wrist.

Once you up your pace, once you starting going faster, the fundamentals of track riding better be solid, because as the speed increases there is a lot less room for error.

Just think tetris, if you started off playing the game at level 15, would it be much fun as the blocks drop down real fast?

Learning the fundamentals comes from practice, experiance, and taking in knowledge from others, its just a matter of how fast you want to learn. Its a matter of confidence in yourself and your motorcycle. The fundamentals are the basic operations on a motorcycle, and doing these things takes up your attention. Spend to much attention concerning one aspect, you'll be lacking in others. Taking into consideration the most liter bikes outweigh a 600 by a couple pounds, coming out of turns a literbike is putting at least 50 more hp to the ground. You are managing 50% more power than a 600, so obviously some very fine adjustments have to be done with the throttle - for fear of lowsiding or worst highsiding. Fear keeps you from going faster, keeps you from learning. Bike with less HP has one less thing to worry about, therefor you can concentrate on everything else, braking, braking into turns, reference points, smoothness, lines, etc.

FigNewTon 12-30-2005 03:00 PM

Well said Pillaka

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